Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 1: the worst week ever!

These past few days have been by far! the worst days ever :

It all just started with me being so happily in love at first and thinking "things can only get better from here on out!" boy was I wrong. In fact things just started to go downhill... first we were holding hands and joking around, sharing sweet kisses and beautiful nights..

Almost each day for a week were the most amazing days ever, and I havent had days like that in a long time.

Thats when everything started to go sour. The day started out well enough, a kiss in the morning before he left, and a day of errands and chores planned out ahead of me. One of those chores was laundry! I had to wait for him to get off at his morning job so that he could pick me up and I could drop him off at his next job and then get started on the laundry. He made me stay in town the whole night just waiting for him to get off. It was a 6 hour wait!!! I was bored, tired, and irritated. Finally when he was done we dropped off his friend at home and then headed to our own house. But first he wanted to check out the theaters(it was the night for the midnight screening of Stephanie Meyers: Eclipse; the Twilight Saga) but I wanted to just go to the store and buy the ingredients for smores! but he told me no:(

So as we drove by I started pouting and trying to convince him to take me to the store, but he wouldnt do it, So I got irritated and moody. We went straight home and started taking the laudry out of the car and into the house. Things started to look up again, but then he wouldnt get off his phone for the life of him! and with that said he went straight to bed. or so I thought.

Thats when this girl comes out of NO WHERE! at 12:30 at night asking if christian was home. I lost it when that happened. I was angry and woke him up asking who the girl was, but he wouldnt tell me. and then the waiting game began. Soon 1 o'clock came and went, then 2 o'clock came and went and so on till 4 in the morning. Thats when he came home and I demanded to know what he had done. but he refused to tell me, and just went straight to bed.

Then it came to yesterday morning, I had messed up my hand that night waiting for him, so I needed to go to town to buy something to wrap it up, and I tried talking to him again, but he refused to tell me anything. I didnt know what to do. I was tired from crying and my hand was extremely swollen. So I just left and tried to text him through out the day, but that just ended up becoming the worst argument that we have ever had. Ending our love affair.

The day dragged on and I ended up crashing on his bed till late at night. After I had woken, I decided to put away our clothing, having had neglected them the entire day. And thats when he came home, well he was already home it seemed, but just not to my knowledge. He came in and told me Hi and then patted me on the head as a sign of affection. I thought that my brain was playing tricks on me making me think that maybe that fight had righted things between us, but my brain was being mean... because again last night when everyone was asleep, and I had just settled in, he tried sneaking off.

I caught him and demanded to know where he was going, but all he told me was to go to sleep and that he would be right back. I knew in my heart that he wouldn't. He would be out late once again doing lord knows what! and I would just stay at home, heart broken.

I felt that enough was enough and I told him that if he left then I would leave and I wouldnt be home when he returned... but I guess I'm just not that important to him anymore, because he still continued out the door. So I called my mother and asked her to pick me up and take me to her place, which she did. I tried calling before I left, but no answer. I continuously attempted to get a hold of him late last night to early this morning, but each time I called I recieved no answer. I even tried texting him, but to no replies... So now I am at a lost with having given the love of my life EVERYTHING he could ever want with recieving nothing in return. After giving him all my love and more, it comes to be that there is nothing left between us.....

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