Saturday, February 26, 2011

new update

So its a new closure to my day. Nothing really interesting happened

So I dont know what im going to blog to you guys about:P

Basically all I did today was get very little sleep, wake up and call the bf to plan a date for the pm, to a dirty living room cuz of the puppies and the big dogs, eat some soup and watch You Again which is a good movie in my opinion. Not super funny but decent enough. Then I got a call from my mom saying that she was going to get shave iced and was picking me up to get some. Then going to target for puppy pads. to going home and chillin with the family.

Then I get a call from the bf saying that he was here and that we were going to the movies, but little did I know that he actually meant that we were going to rent movies instead of going to the theaters. How gay is that? And I wasnt even with him for 20mins before he dropped me off at home again. So I decided to just go to the bowling alley with my family and watch the kids at the arcade while I ate some onion rings and read my book.. Like I said not a really interesting kinda day.

After that I just stayed home. We were only at the bowling alley for like an hour. Then we came home... I took a nap... then I woke up to being in the house alone.. so I watched Slumdog Millionaire I really do love that movie! its so touching and its amazing how hes on this game show and the only reason that he knows the answers is because of the hard childhood that he grew up with. Its so amazing and eye-opening to see what kinds of stuff happen in other parts of the world. I wish I could help make a difference...

So that about caps up my day... not a lot but I try. Not everyday can be how I want it to be...:)

Friday, February 25, 2011


So I dont know what to do. I kinda got over thinkin about my sister and her ex bf dilemma. Rite now im just thinkin about my weird acting bf. I kinda want the strength to just let him cruise it and trust in him, which ill prolly do. but for now imma still be a little suspicious.

Anyways over that.. I was in a rush with my post yesterday so im sorry! but im baaaaaack now and Im ready to talk!

I worked again today.. it seems like everyday I update this its about work. so my bad! but im just a 20yr old girl who does nothin but bitch, moan, and complain(Outbackzack). annnd yeah that pretty much sums it up.

So lets talk about an interesting topic for a moment and just bear with me okay?

What if the world truly was flat? but just looked like a double sided pizza? I scientists have proved that its round n what not from their explorations in space, but what if thats all a heist? cause everyone knows that the recording of man walking on the moon was all a FAKE! what if what they are telling us is actually a lie?? think about it.. it could be that my stupid logic IS correct....

yeah I have weird moments when im a little kooky. its just a mixture of meds and redbull. thats what Im pinning it on. cuz its already midnight. I should be asleep. but yet Im up spreading nonsense... yeahhhhh im cool like that. I think. Well thats all I got for you kiddies today... i think imma go cruise the internet now... maybe ill come back n post more... we shallll seeee!!! nite yall!!!!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

What a long day! D:

I dont know why but today just seemed like such a long day!!! but then again it seemed to go by so fast.. you know what I mean?

I woke up early because my boyfriend was texting me and I stayed up. I watned a movie and then got ready for work. We had a lead meeting today so that was... interesting? Lol. I did have to buy my mono his drinks, but I didnt even get a kiss:( so that made me a little depressed.. I got over it though.

before the lead meeting today I went to go buy some candy and then Lena took me to go look at rings for her and tanner lol! It was fun and made me want a ring too!!! but then I thought.. Naaaaaah I dont wanna get married rite now. and I dont know if hes really committed enough to want to spend his life with me, I am, but at the same time i dont know if we will you know?

OH!!! AND I ENDED UP STAYING LIKE AN HOUR AND A HALF AFTER WE WERE CLOSED!!!!! but thats cuz we were so behind on things :( but at least it was fun:) and then on my way home I stopped at the store to pick up some puppy food for the dogs at home... and I saw my sisters ex-boyfriend.. He was grocery shopping and I know I saw a girl in his car... It wasnt my sister because she was at home doing dishes.. I know cause I called my mom and asked. I wanted to confront him but it didnt dawn on me rite away.. what should I do?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

its a brand new day!

So I didnt get to blog yesterday... My bad! I didnt come home till late from work and I was super tired and irate with my boyfriend so I decided to just crash n go to sleep:)

But anyways! Today was a brand new day and I think things were better today. I got out of work relatively on time. I didnt make the hours that I was hoping to make, but thats okay! Tomorrow is tip day and I'm not expecting a lot back, but any thing counts and helps!

Oh yeah, my mono(my boyfriends nickname) did see me today before he went to pick up his sister from school which made me happy! I didnt get to see him when he came back to pick up his mom because I was busy at work:( but just seeing him yesterday helped make my day! Mostly because he told me that he missed me.. and he gave me sweet kisses and told me that he loved me.. I think lol. Or maybe he just told me that he missed me. not anything specific, just that he missed me. I giggled when he said that, because it was only a day that he didnt see me! but then again Im exactly the same way... Its just because I love him. Sometimes I think that maybe we arent meant to be together and it tears me apart. I dont like to think like that because I love him so much, but I think that he can do better then me. There's so much beautiful girls out there. But Im so glad that he chose me. because I chose him so long ago....:)

Then he told me that his family makes fun of me! which is messed! but then again they did do the same thing with his ex. But still!!! how can a person say "shes so emo that the grass she sits on cuts itself!" wth... I may ACT depressed when he doesnt talk to me or answer my calls, but thats just cause I want to talk to him and know if hes missing me or not, or if hes thinking about me or anything like that... He did make me extremely happy when I got home though:):) I looked on my FB account and I saw that he FINALLY CHANGED HIS RELATIONSHIP STATUS!!! WOOHOO!!!! Funny thing too lol. Im a 20yr old adult but I still act like a lovesick teen! Aaaahhh the wonders of a first actual serious relationship. I mean I've had a few relationships in the past, but nothings ever made me this happy, torn, and confused... Thats why I love his so much. Because just thinking about him makes my head swim with so much emotions.

Thank the lord for Blogs! its so relaxing and it just takes so much off your chest.

I think thats all for today.. I'll try to get off work early tomorrow so that I can write some more:):)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

What a... weird day?

So I left you guys last nite with the news of my baby niece and my R-Tard boyfriend. Well after I had posted my latest update he met up with me outside of my house before going home. We talked for a little bit, but he mostly just likes to watch youtube videos on his phone. Is that a sign that I'm BORING? Lol maybe. In that case maybe I should make a youtube acount(;

I've always wanted to do that! buy a camcorder and just make a webcast on a daily basis:) It's be the visual version of The Everyday life of a young adult, but as of the moment I'm broke:P

Well back to what I was saying....

After he left I went straight upstairs to my apartment that I share with my mother, my sister and her baby(Faith). I wanted to go straight to sleep since I had to work early this morning @ about 5:30. Pssh!! I had nooo such luck LOL as soon as I got upstairs and was settling in, my mother tells my sister and I to go and take a Futon down to her minivan and set it up in the back because she wasn't coming home tonite since she works a double, and a back to back. So it's be pointless for her to come home and then have to wake up in a few hours just to get ready and leave. Anyways, we did that for her and then once again I attempted to go to sleep, but all they wanted to do was sleep since it was about 12:00am, but they just wanted to talk story so I was all like AARRRGGGHHH!!!! I DID eventually go to sleep though:) Thank the lord! then got up, went to work earlier then intended, did some jumping jacks and stretches so that I could get energized since I was feeling like passing out LOL and then awaited the UBER BUSY DAY!!!! It was good though. It made the time go by faster:D

So here I am now. At home. After doing some errands after work and picking up something to eat:):)

I wonder what the rest of the nite will have in store for me?

Saturday, February 19, 2011

These days...

Wow I guess its been a while since I last posted huh?

A lot has happened since my last post... a lot of messed up things as well as a lot of amazing things..

I know you guys saw me mention my "LOVER" well guess what? Now he's my BOYFRIEND!:)
I don't know if I really want to be happy about this or even more over protective! all I know for sure is that he does have a history, and I'm not the first girl that he tried to fool around with. I know this because I made him confess to me. But it was before we even started doing anything, so that doesn't really count rite?

Well anyways, we've been through a lot since then. but now he's mine! I just kinda wish that he wasn't so... como se dice.. I guess shamed about me. I know that he doesn't feel like that, it's just this feeling I get from him when we are out in public in our hometown. Like when we're on a date and there's a lot of people around and I grab for his hand, he pulls away and acts like he's going to wrap it around my waist which he does for a little bit, but then drops it and just walks besides me... Is it because I'm so over weight? Maybe.. We are a very unlikely couple.. Him being shorter then me and Mexican, while I'm tall and FAT. I just kind of think that he is ashamed of being seen with me unless I dress up and look beautiful for him.

If he were here and he read this I know he would say that I'm stupid for even thinking like this, but sometimes you can't really help how you feel or think. What do you think?

It just bugs me sometimes. He tells me that he loves me even though sometimes its like he's just joking around. Usually I have to say it first, but when he does tell me that he loves me sincerely it just makes my heart stop:)

How can we be so different but still manage to find each other? LOL But you know.. His mom says that he's bad for me.. Which I know that that's true. He made me get two abortions already.. I think that's part of the real reason that I got this Blog. I know that I haven't been on for a very long time. But that's only because my iPhone won't let me blog -_-" I'm glad that I managed to find it again.

Now that I have more time for this I'll make sure to at least update it everyday. Starting with all my crazy antics at work and my relationship problems as well as problems at home and with family...

OH! which reminds me!!! I was blessed with a beautiful niece in November! She weighed 7lbs 6oz and was born at 12:04pm at Kona hospital! She was 18inches long and her name is Faith Kaimalie Rivera. When I figure out how to post pictures on this thing I will! LOL because she really is a beautiful baby girl and everything about her is amazing.

Well that's all for now!