Sunday, February 20, 2011

What a... weird day?

So I left you guys last nite with the news of my baby niece and my R-Tard boyfriend. Well after I had posted my latest update he met up with me outside of my house before going home. We talked for a little bit, but he mostly just likes to watch youtube videos on his phone. Is that a sign that I'm BORING? Lol maybe. In that case maybe I should make a youtube acount(;

I've always wanted to do that! buy a camcorder and just make a webcast on a daily basis:) It's be the visual version of The Everyday life of a young adult, but as of the moment I'm broke:P

Well back to what I was saying....

After he left I went straight upstairs to my apartment that I share with my mother, my sister and her baby(Faith). I wanted to go straight to sleep since I had to work early this morning @ about 5:30. Pssh!! I had nooo such luck LOL as soon as I got upstairs and was settling in, my mother tells my sister and I to go and take a Futon down to her minivan and set it up in the back because she wasn't coming home tonite since she works a double, and a back to back. So it's be pointless for her to come home and then have to wake up in a few hours just to get ready and leave. Anyways, we did that for her and then once again I attempted to go to sleep, but all they wanted to do was sleep since it was about 12:00am, but they just wanted to talk story so I was all like AARRRGGGHHH!!!! I DID eventually go to sleep though:) Thank the lord! then got up, went to work earlier then intended, did some jumping jacks and stretches so that I could get energized since I was feeling like passing out LOL and then awaited the UBER BUSY DAY!!!! It was good though. It made the time go by faster:D

So here I am now. At home. After doing some errands after work and picking up something to eat:):)

I wonder what the rest of the nite will have in store for me?

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