Friday, February 25, 2011


So I dont know what to do. I kinda got over thinkin about my sister and her ex bf dilemma. Rite now im just thinkin about my weird acting bf. I kinda want the strength to just let him cruise it and trust in him, which ill prolly do. but for now imma still be a little suspicious.

Anyways over that.. I was in a rush with my post yesterday so im sorry! but im baaaaaack now and Im ready to talk!

I worked again today.. it seems like everyday I update this its about work. so my bad! but im just a 20yr old girl who does nothin but bitch, moan, and complain(Outbackzack). annnd yeah that pretty much sums it up.

So lets talk about an interesting topic for a moment and just bear with me okay?

What if the world truly was flat? but just looked like a double sided pizza? I scientists have proved that its round n what not from their explorations in space, but what if thats all a heist? cause everyone knows that the recording of man walking on the moon was all a FAKE! what if what they are telling us is actually a lie?? think about it.. it could be that my stupid logic IS correct....

yeah I have weird moments when im a little kooky. its just a mixture of meds and redbull. thats what Im pinning it on. cuz its already midnight. I should be asleep. but yet Im up spreading nonsense... yeahhhhh im cool like that. I think. Well thats all I got for you kiddies today... i think imma go cruise the internet now... maybe ill come back n post more... we shallll seeee!!! nite yall!!!!!

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